Sunday, October 27, 2013

Explore v1.1

New art for the PC
I have added a new system in the movement and draw functions of the pc module that allow the newly edited player character to change the direction he is facing while moving. I have also set up a new framework for the /pics/ folder to be more organized in holding the multiple frames for each character or item in the game. I have included the code via Dropbox again if you want to try it out for yourself.



I am postponing FB2 to work on an experimental project simply to test different mechanics and theories concerning game mechanics engines in Pygame. After playing some Terraria, I have decided to create a game which randomly generates a world for a character to move around in, with random walls made of individual blocks that the player can collide with. The world will be generated in chunks and sub-chunks of curves, inclines, and other surfaces. I have started with a very simple starting point which involves a placeholder player character that can be moved with the arrow keys. The pc collides with the borders of the screen and is effectively bound to the screen.
The PC, represented by the black box, is bound to the window.
I have included the code below in the form of a zip hosted by Dropbox:

Falling Balls

My new game that I have been working on in Computer Science 1 is finally reaching completion. It's been an ongoing project for a while now when I have downtime in class. It's a simple game with a paddle at the bottom of the screen and some balls that fall from the top of the screen. Catch the black balls to earn points and avoid the red balls, or you will lose a life. Letting a black ball hit the bottom of the screen will also deduct a life. The game incudes a Main Menu, Options with adjustable difficulty, and a Credits screen. You have 3 lives to begin with, but extra lives will be added in Falling Balls 2, which I plan to work on later. FB2 will include multiple players, power-ups, and any more features I can think of while I make it. I will include all the code with a download link as soon as I get to school, where the game currently sits on my Student Drive.
My Epic Workstation during the development
of Falling Balls.